Friday, August 22, 2008

Naughty Aafiyah

Date: August 3rd, 2008

It was Sunday evening and we had some relatives over. Kanwal was preparing food and I was chatting with my uncle and cousins. Suddenly our home phone rings and I answer the phone:

Caller: This is the Santa Clara Police department, please do not hang up!
Me: Sorry sir, it's too loud in here and I cannot hear you well. Let me go outside.
(I go inside the garage)
Me: Okay, please carry on
Caller: This is the Santa Clara Police department, please do not hang up!
We just received a call from your home. Is there an emergency?
Me: No, there is no emergency here.
Caller: Somebody dialed 911 from your place.
(I start to wonder "who". Then I recalled that Aafiyah was playing with the phone. Shoot!)
Me: Officer, it could have been my daughter. She was playing with the phone.
Caller: Okay, we are going to come out there just to check.
In future, please do not let your daughter play with the phone.
Me: Very well Officer, I do apologize.
(And I hang up)

I tell the whole story to my family. Ammi says, "yeah, she was playing with the telephone and she would start crying if I took it away from her". I start to wonder how a 16 month old kid could dial 911 by herself.

15 minutes later:

A cop shows up at the house. I was holding Aafiyah at that time. I told the cop that it was her who dialed 911. He didn't believe me.

Cop: Okay, I want all the kids to be here.

I called Jannah and Azaan to come down stairs. Jannah came but Azaan was kind of hesitant to come infront of the cop.

Jannah says to the cop: He (Azaan) is a little shy.

Cop: Oh! Is that right?

Finally, Fahd convinces Azaan to come infront of the cop.

Cop: Ok kids, 911 is for emergencies only. Please do not dial 911 if there is no emergency.

Then he takes off.

An evening to remember.